To all PIA members,
The SAIA Benchmark and Fee Survey – call to participate
You will by now no doubt have had a look at the SAIA’s Benchmark and Fee Survey. The survey is available through the unique login link for your practice provided by SAIA in their email of 31 January 2018. A PDF copy is attached here as a reminder and overview of the content.
This survey will provide the means with which to draw an accurate profile of the current state of practicing architecture in South Africa. The findings will be made available to all participants, thus providing you with the exact facts about our collective professional environment. The findings will not only inform and enable the critical decision making required to flourish as an architect, but also will also provide SAIA with the insight required to sharpen the focus of representation on national level. We are very aware that the environment which we have come to know and trust and in which we practice our craft, is being disrupted by a variety of socio-economic influences and technological advancements which are changing our environment.
If one is in the business of felling trees, to ‘take a moment to sharpen the axe’ is a very sound idea. It eases one’s labour in the long run, and provides a space for introspection.
The SAIA Benchmark and Fees Survey is such a moment. Please take the time required to satisfy your own curiosity and at the same time receive the renewed impetus of a sharpened axe.
The survey is available through the unique login link for your practice provided by SAIA in their email of 31 January 2018. The completed survey is expected by SAIA before the closing date of 9 March 2018. It is an extensive piece of work which will require some dedicated attention. The survey can be completed in sections – it will remember where you left off and carry on from there.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards
Gerd Bolt
Pr Arch, MIArch 7614, SACAP 5240
PIA President