Heritage Workshop

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Heritage Matters


The PIA would like to invite you to join us for an enlightening workshop on Heritage.
Does the heritage application process seem daunting?

Looking at fine examples of heritage projects and publications and the know-how of applications.



Sandra van der Merwe
A toolbox talk: resources for assessing and conserving modern and 20th century heritage
Sandra van der Merwe is an architect and director at NM & Associates Planners and Designers, an architecture, urban design and planning practice based in Claremont, Cape Town. She is interested in how broader urban, sustainability and heritage considerations are followed through at various scales to contribute to positive public environments and projects that are contextually appropriate and resilient. She is passionate about Modern Movemernt heritage and co-chairs Docomomo South Africa with Ilze Wolff



Hilton Judin : Architecture, State Modernism and Cultural Nationalism in the Apartheid Capital

This book is the first comprehensive investigation of the architecture of the apartheid state in the period of economic growth, social engineering, and political repression from 1957 to 1966 when buildings took on ideological and nationalistic roles that were never remote from the increasingly predominant administrative, legislative, and policing mechanisms of the regime. It examines in detail how this process reflected the usurpation of regionalism and the International Style and contributes to the wider discourse on international post-war modernism in architecture.

Hilton Judin is an architect in the School of Architecture & Planning at Wits University. He developed the exhibition of apartheid state documents and public video testimonies [setting apart] and was curator and editor (with Ivan Vladislavić) of blank____ Architecture, apartheid and after for the Netherlands Architecture Institute. In practice (with Nina Cohen) he developed the Nelson Mandela Museum in Mvezo and Qunu and Living Landscape Project in Clanwilliam. He published Architecture, State Modernism and Cultural Nationalism in the Apartheid State, and edited Falling Monuments, Reluctant Ruins: Persistence of the Past in the Architecture of Apartheid and (with Arianna Lissoni and Ali Hlongwane) the forthcoming anthology In Whose Place? Confronting the Vestiges of the Colonial Landscape in Africa.

Helene Potgieter
The National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 (NHRA 25 of 1999):
1. Timeline – history of the act and how it evolved
2. Section 34 Applications (60 year clause) & examples
3. Section 38 Applications (character and size of site) & examples
4. When to submit a Notice of Intent to Develop
5. Explaining a Conservation Management Plan (CMP)
HPA has a total of 20 years’ experience in the field of Building Conservation – ensuring that any additions, alterations, demolitions, and new build are executed in line with the NHRA 25 of 1999.
HPA furthermore specialises in the field where commercial scale construction projects interface with building conservation & restoration. HPA furthermore built up a team of professionals (QS’s, structural engineers, wet engineers, electrical engineers, specialist building contractors and restorers) that are competent to execute work in the field of building conservation & restoration.
HPA is also involved in skills transfer and development initiatives in the field of building conservation.
The HPA team completed more than 550 heritage applications – with a 100% success rate.


Edna Perez – Creating Coromandel
Edna holds a Doctoral degree in Architecture from the University of Pretoria which focuses on ecological resilience thinking and how it can be applied to architecture and urbanism. She has worked in private practice and academia but is now enjoying applying her experience to independent research, theoretical exploration, and start-ups. She has co-authored a book on Coromandel which will be available in 2022, and she is assisting in creating an empowerment project for the community there.



By the Collaborative professional team of Edna Peres, Thomashoff + partner Architects, frankie pappas and Mayat Hart Architects and Heritage Consultants
Coromandel Architects Vision
Coromandel House (1975), located in Mpumalanga, eastern South Africa, is a seminal 20th century house design. The building, born out of the collaboration of celebrated Italian architect Marco Zanuso and Sydney and Victoria Press, is a pioneering example of how to build and live in the African landscape.
Sold to the Coromandel Farm Trust in 2002 the farm has been heralded as an example of successful post-apartheid land reform in South Africa. Presslegacy has been established to facilitate partnerships that will bring new life to the Coromandel House as a luxury hospitality venue, allowing for greater appreciation of the house, ensuring its long term preservation and supporting its community owners. The architectural project is being led by the collaborative professional team of Edna Peres, Thomashoff + partner Architects, frankie pappas and Mayat Hart Architects and Heritage Consultants.



Georg van Gass
Revitalisation through Heritage
GASS Architecture Studios is a bespoke architectural design studio with predominant focus on Urban regeneration, Architecture and Interior architecture. We are passionate about our cities and the role we can play in the urban regeneration thereof. Our work is diverse and spreads over various scales from large residential, commercial, retail developments to small urban interventions. Through our work in single residential design, mixed use developments, student and residential high rise housing, we stay true to our philosophy of the creation of space and environments that are centered around people, experience and the resulting integration thereof into our cities surrounding spaces.

The studio operates from Johannesburg and Cape Town with an integrated philosophy to approaching any project. Through this integrated approach and by making it a priority to know our cities we believe we can offer the client and the end user the best possible creative and diversified solutions.
GASS Architecture Studios is a Level 2 B-BBEE contributor.


Mystery Speaker : Dr Xander Antonites
The case for Archaeology: new finds from the Kruger National Park
Xander Antonites is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, Archaeology, and Development Studies at the University of Pretoria. He specializes in the African Iron Age of the first and early second millennium AD with a focus on socio-political and economic interactions of communities and how these exchanges were mediated at a local level. Over the last 15 years, he has carried out several excavations on Iron Age settlements and conducted regional surveys in northern South Africa. This research has been important in invigorating a local academic shift to investigating communities outside major centers of power of the region. Previously these were typecast as unimportant and irrelevant, but are now recognised just as active in structuring society as their urban and elite counterparts.




Event Information
Date: 27 September 2022
Time: 10:00 – 13:00Venue: Webinar via ZOOM
Cost: PIA Members: R150.00 Non-members: R250.00
CPD: 0.3 CPD Credits in Cat 1

Links will be forwarded to all paid up registered delegates the day before the event






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